DATA TYPE 1. When setting up a database, the correct data type should be used for each field. 2. Picking the right data type ensures that the database space is as small as possible. With the right data types, the size of the fields, rows, tables and database are small for faster and more efficient reads and writes. 3. The most common data types are: DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION Text Text, number and symbols. Memo Long text entry. Number A whole number or a decimal number. Currency Automatically formats the data to have a currency symbol in front of the data and also ensures that there are two decimals places. Data/Time - This restricts data entry to 1-31 for day (28 or 30 in appropriate months) and 1-12 for month. - It checks that a date does exist. - May include time. Auto-number Database Management System (DBMS) automatically generates an auto-number that increases by 1 as records are added to the database to create a uniq...