1. A database is an integrated collection of very large amounts of data.

2. A database stores rows of data in multiple files.
a) Each row of data may describe an entity in the real world.
b) For example, a row of data may describe the information of a student.
c) Another row of data may describe the course and marks acquired by that students in tests.
d) Both rows are kept in separate files using table structure.
e) These files are linked so that all data related to an entity can be traced and retrieved by the user.
f) For example, the user can retrieve both student information and test marks of a student.

3. To maintain these data in separate files, a databse makes use of the following database objects:
a) Table
b) Query
c) View
d) Form
e) Report

4. Table is used to enter, organize and store data.
Student table contains student ID, student name, student IC, student email and student study programme.
Course table contains course ID, course name and credit hours.
Test table contains student ID, course ID and marks acquired.

5. Query is a request for specific data. Query uses SQL, an English-like statement to specify the data to display, print or store.
A query may retrieve student ID and student email from student table.

6. View selectively displays data from multiple tables in a single display. Selected data from one or more tables are combined and made visible.

7. Form is a user window that provides areas for entering or modifying data in a database.

8. Report generator retrieves data for display in a report format.


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