1. Data is a computer resource.
a) People and computers capture and process data to extract meaaning from it.
b) Therefore, data storage must be accessible and organized in a computer processing structure.

2. Data has both fields and values.

3. What would happen to a piece of data newly entered into a computer system?
a) Data is kept in the computer memory.
b) However, computer memory is volatile1:
i. Data can be overwritten by new inputs.
ii. Data is lost when the computer is shut down.

c) To preserve data, it is transferred into a more permanent storage.
i. The computer copies the file from memory to a non-volatile storage medium.
ii. Non-volatile storage media include magnetic tapes/disks and optical disks.
iii. A text file has extensions such as “.txt” and “.log” that tell the operating system the type of file it is.
iv. Non-text files such as image (.bmp), audio (.wav) and post-script (.pdf) files cannot be viewed through a text editor. Instead, a suitable program is needed to display or play the file content.

4. A file is managed by a file processing system or a database system.

1. Volatile memory needs a power supply to retain the stored information.


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